Modifying hidden areas
You can modify the hidden areas that were created with AFP Editor.
Note: In AFP Visual Environment you can display measurement units in inches or millimeters. To change the measurement
unit, click .
- In AFP Visual Environment, open a sample AFP file and the control file that contains the definitions for the hidden areas. Then click .
- Click .
- Do one of these:
- Select the hidden area that you want to modify and then click Modify.
- Double-click the hidden area that you want to modify.
You see the Modify Hidden Area window.Note:identifies barcodes that were not created because of an error. To see the error message, click Modify and then click OK on the Modify Barcode window.
- To change the descriptive name of the hidden area, type the new name in the Hidden area name field.
- To change the origin (top-left corner) of the hidden area, type new values in these
- X position
- The horizontal distance of the left side of the hidden area measured from the left side of the logical page (not the physical sheet of paper). Decimal values (such as 2.5) are allowed. The X position cannot be greater than the width of the page.
- Y position
- The vertical distance of the top of the hidden area measured from the top of the logical page (not the physical sheet of paper). Decimal values (such as 2.5) are allowed. The Y position cannot be greater than the height of the page.
Note: If you rotated the AFP file using the Rotate by 90o option on the View menu, measure the X and Y positions from the top-left corner of the page in the unrotated view. - To change the size of the hidden area, type new values in these fields.
- Width
- The horizontal width of the hidden area. Decimal values (such as 2.5) are allowed. The width of the area cannot be greater than the width of the page.
- Height
- The vertical height of the hidden area. Decimal values (such as 2.5) are allowed. The height of the area cannot be greater than the height of the page.
Note: Measure the width and height from the origin of the hidden area in the unrotated view. - To change the placement of the hidden area, select one of these options:
- Page n: Place the hidden area on page n of each page group (n is the page where you drew the box for the hidden area). You cannot change this page number. If the page number is incorrect, click Cancel and draw the box for the hidden area on the correct page.
- Multiple pages: Place the hidden area on:
- All pages
- All pages in each page group
- Even pages
- The even pages in each page group (pages 2, 4, 6,...)
- Odd pages
- The odd pages in each page group (pages 1, 3, 5,...)
- Click OK.You do not see any text or image data in the hidden area in each page group.
- To close the Modify and Delete Definitions window, click X in the upper right corner.