Product Overview

TotalFlow Production Manager provides a central location for assigning jobs to printers and managing print jobs. It routes and tracks incoming, processing, and completed jobs and lets you edit job tickets until the last minute. TotalFlow Production Manager lets you change print order, change output printers, and reprint jobs easily.
TotalFlow Prep lets you do make-ready tasks such as editing, imposition, and changing page layout. TotalFlow Prep sends jobs with their job tickets to TotalFlow Production Manager. TotalFlow Prep and TotalFlow Production Manager work seamlessly to create jobs, apply make-ready settings, and send jobs to the best matching printer.
TotalFlow Production Manager also supports job submission by dragging and dropping jobs into hot folders. You can also submit jobs from other systems by using the line printer daemon (LPD) protocol for file transmission.
With networked communication to your printers, you can easily check printer and job status.
This figure shows how jobs flow through TotalFlow Production Manager. Jobs are submitted to workflows that assign job attributes. For example, Workflow 1 might specify that jobs are to be printed on bond paper, while Workflow 2 specifies recycled paper. If the workflow is associated with a printer, TotalFlow Production Manager automatically assigns the jobs to that printer. Because Workflow 4 is not associated with a printer, the operator manually moves the jobs to either the Job Ticket printer or the Passthrough printer.