Jobs table does not show the correct predicted outcome

If the Jobs table or the Predicted outcome property on the job properties notebook shows on-schedule jobs as behind schedule or behind-schedule jobs as on schedule, there might be a problem with the estimated durations. The estimated durations for one or more of the steps in the workflow might not be accurate, or you might not have included steps in the estimate that you should have included.
To adjust estimated durations for steps in a workflow:
  1. Click the Workflow tab.
  2. Click the name of the workflow you want to modify.
  3. Optional: Disable the workflow by clicking the switch to the left of the workflow name.
    If you do not disable the workflow while you edit it, jobs that use this workflow continue to move through steps. When you save, the workflow is momentarily disabled then enabled again. Jobs that are processing in the workflow could move into error.
  4. Right-click in the workflow editor and select Estimated durations.
  5. Review the estimated duration of each step.
  6. If an estimated duration is not accurate, change it.
  7. If you want to include an estimated duration for a step that is not included in the estimate, set the Include in estimated duration property to Yes. Specify both the estimated duration and the number of jobs or pages that are used to calculate the estimated duration.
  8. If you want to stop computing estimated durations for all the steps in the workflow, do these steps:
    1. Select all the steps.
    2. In the Edit Multiple area, select Include in estimated duration and select No.
    3. Click Apply to Selected.
  9. When you finish, click OK.
  10. Save the workflow.
Your changes to the estimated duration of the steps in the workflow affect the predicted outcome for jobs submitted to the workflow in the future. Your changes have no effect on the predicted outcome for jobs that have already been processed.