Viewing Job Status
Administrators can view the status of jobs and change the properties of the jobs or printers to match, if necessary.
Note: A printer can be a requested printer, a printer pool with a number of not matching
printers or a proof print requested printer.
To view the job’s status:
- In the All Jobs pod, right-click the job then select Status... .
You see the Status for Job dialog.
- To see on-screen balloon help for any of the properties:
- Mouse over the property.
- Click
, the question mark button, next to the property name.
When the job state is Unassigned and the Wait reason is No matching printer, the dialog looks similar to this:
You can also see the Wait reason details by mouse-hovering the text displayed in the Wait reason column in the All Jobs pod.
When the job is in Error state, you can see a message describing the reasons why the job entered the Error state and the action you must take to solve the problem.