Importing a Printer Paper Catalog

Printer devices that use the EFI Fiery controller option let you export the paper catalog as an XML file. You can create papers by importing the catalog into TotalFlow Production Manager.
  1. To view the complete list of devices that allow automatic import of paper catalog, check the Printer Connector Readme file.
  2. To enable the JDF/JMF interface on these printers, an appropriate FJDF patch must be installed and enabled on them.
  3. For instructions on exporting a printer paper catalog, see the documentation for your printer device.

The properties of papers created by importing a paper catalog are set to values that correspond to the values of the equivalent attributes in the paper catalog:

Paper catalog attribute TotalFlow Production Managerpaper property Notes
Name Name The value is based on the Name value, but it is truncated to 200 characters and omits invalid characters.
Important: These character strings cause errors. Do not use them in the Name:
  • A dollar sign followed by a left curly bracket (${) is not allowed.
  • The Name can contain periods, but must not consist of only one or two periods (.) or (..).
Pre-printed Preprinted  
Description Description  


Type details

Paper type  
Set Count Set count  

Paper size

Standard paper




Weight (gsm) Weight (gsm)  
Hole type Prepunched  
Texture Texture  

Color name

Custom color name

% recycled content Recycled content (%)  
Coating Coating (front side)  
Imageable sides Print sides  


Opacity level


Note: Not all attributes that can be included in the paper catalog: have equivalents in TotalFlow Production Manager. TotalFlow Production Manager ignores attributes without equivalents.

To import a paper catalog:

  1. On a system where TotalFlow Production Manager is installed, open a Windows command prompt.
  2. In a Japanese environment, set the font and code page:
    1. Right-click the title bar of the command prompt window.
    2. Click Properties, then Font.
    3. Select MS Gothic, then click OK.
    4. Enter this command to determine the current code page:
      The default Japanese code page is 932 (Shft-JIS).
    5. Enter this command to change the code page to UTF-8:
      chcp 65001
    Note: The Windows command prompt displays Japanese messages in multiple lines, with the last part of the message repeated. This is a Windows issue.
  3. Access the install_path\bin folder.
    install_path is the folder where TotalFlow Production Manager is installed.
  4. Enter one of these commands:
    • To import the paper catalog to this system, enter this command: -f=file_path
    • To import the paper catalog to a remote system, enter this command: -f=file_path -o=host_name -p=port_number
    Is the XML file where the printer paper catalog is exported.
    Is the host name or IP address of the system where TotalFlow Production Manager is installed.
    Is the port that the TotalFlow Production Manager user interface uses. The default is 15080 for the HTTP protocol or 15443 for the HTPPS protocol.
  5. If you changed the code page, change it back. For example, if the original code page was 932, enter this command:
    chcp 932

    Printer devices that use Printer Connector let you query the printer’s paper catalog through its web interface.

    If you want to configure a printer to allow TotalFlow Production Manager to import its paper catalog, read Printer Connector documentation.