Getting Started with RICOH TotalFlow Cloud for Customers and Job Submitters

Customers and Job Submitters can upload jobs to be processed by RICOH TotalFlow Cloud applications. They can usually manage the jobs that they submit.
  • For a video introduction to RICOH TotalFlow Cloud, see: Overview.

As a customer or job submitter, you can see the RICOH TotalFlow Producer application, including jobs you submitted. Depending on your level of access, you might see jobs submitted by other users too.

To get started with RICOH TotalFlow Cloud applications as a customer or job submitter:

  1. Log in and change your password.
    When your user ID is created, you receive an email inviting you to log in and start to use RICOH TotalFlow Cloud applications. The first time you log in, you must reset your password.

    After you change your password, you see the application that you can use.

  2. Take action on cookie settings.
    TotalFlow Cloud applications use cookies, some of which are required. Review Managing cookie settings to learn more about cookies and the actions you can take.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the application interface. Review these topics as they apply to you:
  4. Learn about submitting and managing jobs and orders.