Preflighting Jobs

Preflighting is the process of checking PDF jobs before printing to make sure that the files are compliant with the PDF quality requirements.

  • For a video overview of the Preflight function, see: Preflight

Preflighting is available with a RICOH TotalFlow Producer Advanced subscription.

Submitted files are automatically preflighted using an embedded profile. You can see the job preflighting status in the Status column. When preflighting is complete, , the Preflight icon, is displayed for the job in the Preflight column. You can hover over the icon to see the preflight summary.

The preflight summary shows the name of the preflight profile and the number of pages in the PDF file, along with a list of errors, warnings, and fixes that were applied. It also generates a report named job_file_name_Report.pdf that you can view, save, or print.

Users with a Job Manager role can also process the jobs manually using a custom preflight profile, set a new profile as default, disable the automatic preflight, and download or delete profiles.