Creating a new proof filter
To create a new proof filter, click , the Add Filter button, from the Filters tab, and select Proof Filter.
You can also create a new proof filter from the Filters section. Click New Filter and select the Proof Filter option. The New Proof Filter dialog is displayed.
Filter properties:
- Filter Name
- Enter a filter name.
- Description
- Enter a short description for the filter.
- Output Destination
- You can select a hot folder destination from the list.
- Estimated Output Speed
- The estimated output speed generated by the selected output destination. You can edit the output speed and select the measurement unit from the list.
Job Attributes tab
- Match
- Select one of these options:
- All Attributes ("and" logic)
- Any Attributes ("or" logic)
To configure the criteria for the new filter:
- Select the attribute type from the first list.
- From the second list, select one of these operators:
- Is
- Is not
- Between
- Greater than
- Less than
- Greater than or equal
- Less than or equal
- To complete the criteria, enter or select a value for the specified attribute type.
You can select one or more attributes to use as criteria for the filter. To add a new attribute, click , the Add Criteria button. To remove an attribute from the filter criteria, click , the Remove Criteria button.
If you want to filter the jobs by a specific date and time, select the Due Date attribute from the first list. Select Is or Less than or equal as an operator from the second list.
To set specific values for the date and time:
- Click , the calendar button. The Due dialog box appears. Select one of the available options or type in to set the date and time when the job is due.
- Click OK.
Automation tab
- Automation Level
- You can choose the level of automation. Select one of these options:
- No Automation — The jobs are not batched automatically.
- Auto-Batch — The jobs are automatically batched when the target range is reached.
- Auto-Batch-and-Send — When the target range is reached, all matching jobs are automatically batched and sent to the associated output destination.
- Automation Trigger
- Select one of the two options:
- On All Conditions ("AND" logic):
- On Any Condition ("OR" logic):
If you select On All Conditions ("AND" logic):, the batch is created only when all the targets set in the Automation tab are reached. If you select On Any Condition ("OR" logic):, the batch is created when at least one of the specified targets is reached.
You can add more conditions from the list or remove some of them. To add a new condition, click , the add condition button. To remove an attribute, click , the remove condition button.
- Select the target type from the list.
- To set the target, enter a value in first text field.
- Specify the threshold in the second field.
Note: If you select Day/Time as the target type, you can set the specific day of the week (Sunday through Saturday) and the time of day when the batch is created.Select a value from the Day list and a value from the Time list.
When a filter is set for a Day/Time automation and the TotalFlow BatchBuilder server is down at that specified day and time, the filter does not trigger when the server starts.
- When Single Job Exceeds Volume Threshold
- You can choose the level of automation. Select one of these options:
- Notify, Do Not Batch
- Batch Job Separately
For jobs that exceed the volume limitations on automation (sheets, feet, meters, impressions, run-time), you can select Batch Job Separately. If you select Batch Job Separately, jobs are batched as single job batch. If you select Notify, Do Not Batch, the system continues to issue a warning and an alert on the filter fat-row.
Schedule tab
This section describes how to create a schedule that is applied to filter automation, limiting the time period the filter can run.
You can enable or disable Automation Schedule by clicking the Enable or Disable button.
Select the day of the week from the Day list. Select the hour and the minutes when the automation starts from the Start list. Select the hour and the minutes when the automation ends from the Stop list. Specify the number of Maximum Batches you want to send.
Add or remove multiple schedules using and buttons.
Job Sequence tab
You can set the sequence of the jobs for this filter and in the batch. The secondary attributes are used to sort the list of jobs within the primary sort.
Add or remove the sorting attributes using the and buttons. Manually sorting the attributes does not work for the filter.
Imposition tab
To send all the jobs together to be imposed, click Gang jobs together. When you enable this option, the Include copies option is automatically enabled.As a result, one imposition file is created for all the jobs in the filter. The imposition file contains the specified number of copies of each job and it is sent to the output with the Copies attribute value 1.
Include copies
To apply imposition on all the copies, select Include copies in output.
When this option is enabled, the imposed file created for each job contains the specified number of job copies and is sent to the output with the Copies attribute value 1.
When Include copies in output option is disabled, the imposed file contains one copy for each job and the actual value of the Copies attribute is sent to the output.
Ultimate Impostrip® Folder
You can specify the folder name where TotalFlow BatchBuilder sends the jobs to be imposed. The imposition is applied to all the jobs when creating a batch from this filter. Any predefined imposition for an individual job is overwritten.
Select a hot folder from the list or type in the name of the hot folder. The list of hot folders can only be edited from the Ultimate Impostrip ® application. You can add or remove hot folders using Ultimate Impostrip ®.
To refresh the list of hot folders, click , the Refresh button.
Imposition Review
You can enable or disable the imposition review. Click the Enabled/ Disabled button to switch between the enabled and disabled states. When imposition review is enabled, the job is held and you can view and approve the imposed file before sending it to an output. The default setting is Disabled.
Volume Estimates tab
You can select volume estimates to display in the filter information. The possible values for each menu are:
- None
- Jobs
- Sheets
- Feet
- Meters
- Run Time (h:m)
- Impressions
- File Size
The system displays a preview of the filter. This information is shown in the list of filters in the Filters panel.
To create the new proof filter, click OK.
To close the New Proof Filter dialog and discard the entered information, click Cancel.