Batches panel

Displays a list of all the active batches and the volume estimates for each batch.

To open the Batches panel, click , the Expand/Collapse button, on the right side of the Jobs section.

The list of batches is displayed:

The list of batches can be sorted using the Sort by: menu. The default sorting criteria is Creation time (ascending).

You can also select Manual Sort and then manually drag and drop the batch to a different position.

Batch states
The system displays the number of batches in each state. There are various batch states:
  • — Batches queued at Output
  • — Batches sending
  • — Batches in error

The batch information displays the Batch ID, the Batch name, and up to three volume estimates.

Note: Depending on the Automation Level selected, the system displays the appropriate icon next to the batch ID:

  • for Auto-Batch.
  • for Auto-Batch with Schedule enabled.
  • for Auto-Batch-and-Send.
  • for Auto-Batch-and-Send with Schedule enabled.

To display the context menu and choose any of these actions, right-click one or more batches :

  • Select Properties to open the batch edit dialog box and modify the batch properties. This action is enabled only when you select one batch from the list.
  • Select Print Batch Ticket… to print batch details. The batch ticket file is placed as the first job in the batch and the job sequence number for the batch ticket is 0. The batch ticket file is not displayed in the batch detail dialog and does not appear as a job in the user interface. This action is enabled only when you select one batch from the list.
  • Select Delete Batch… or Delete… to remove one or more batches from the system.
  • Select Send Batch or Send to send one or more batches for processing to the specified outputs.

To create a new simple batch, click the New Batch button.

To close the Batches panel, click , the Expand/Collapse button.