Editing Printer Properties

You can edit the properties of newly added printers or of printers that are already configured in RICOH Supervisor Data Collector.
To edit printer properties:
  1. Right-click a printer card and select Properties from the menu.
    Printer options menu

    If you add a printer using the Add Printer... button, you see the New Printer dialog box. New Printer dialog box

  2. Configure the printer settings.
    IP Address or Host Name
    Specify a valid printer IP address or host name. The printer IP address or host name is required and must be unique.
    Note: Use a static IP address or, if you use DHCP, make sure that the DNS provides the same IP address constantly for the MAC physical address of the printer network card. Manufacturer, Model, Printer Type, Serial Number, Time Zone, Printer Character Set, and JMF URL are updated whenever you change IP Address or Host Name and move focus from the field or press the Enter key.
    Specify the printer name. The printer name is required and must be unique.
    Add a description for the printer.
    Specifies the name of the printer manufacturer. The system updates the value whenever the IP Address or Host Name changes. You can change the value of this property.
    Specifies the printer model. The system updates the printer model whenever the IP Address or Host Name changes. You cannot change the value of this property.
    Printer Type
    Defines the communication channels that are used to collect printer data. RICOH Supervisor Data Collector uses several communication channels and protocols to retrieve data from the printers you added in the application. Each printer type communicates with the printer through one or more different channels. The Printer Type value is updated whenever you change IP Address or Host Name. You can change the printer type, but we recommend that you do that only if you know that the type of data you need can be collected through a different communication channel.
    • RICOH Supervisor Data Collector determines the Printer Type by sending a query via SNMP to the specified IP address. Make sure that the SNMP settings are correct.
    • For the printer to communicate its details, make sure that the printer is turned on when you add it to RICOH Supervisor Data Collector.

    The following printer types are available:

    RICOH Pro VC
    Used with RICOH continuous form printers from the Pro VC series: RICOH Pro VC40000, RICOH Pro VC60000, RICOH Pro VC70000, and RICOH Pro VC80000.
    InfoPrint 5000
    Used with RICOH continuous form printers from the InfoPrint 5000 series.
    InfoPrint 4100
    Used with RICOH continuous form printers from the InfoPrint series: InfoPrint 4000 and InfoPrint 4100.
    RICOH GW Cut Sheet Printer
    Used with printers that are operated through RICOH GW controllers.
    RICOH Fiery Cut Sheet Printer
    Used with printers that are operated through Fiery controllers.
    RICOH TotalFlow Print Server Cut Sheet Printer
    Used with cut sheet printers that are operated through TotalFlow Print Server controllers.
    Generic SNMP Printer
    Used with all printers that use SNMP and do not belong to any of the other supported printer types.
    Note: Generic SNMP Printer collects only printer information. If you need job information, select one of the other printer types and make sure that the communication channel is enabled at the printer.

    Depending on the selected Printer Type, a communication channel becomes available. Enter all the required information.

    For more information on the supported printers, see Supported Printers. For more information on the data collected for each printer type, see Collected Data.

    Serial Number
    Specifies the serial number of the physical printer.

    RICOH Supervisor Data Collector identifies the printer serial number based on the IP Address or Host Name setting. If a data source with that serial number was previously registered in the system, you can either create a new instance or resume tracking the previous data source and append future data to the existing historical data. If you enter a different name for the data source, the new name also applies to the existing historical data.

    New Printer dialog box

    By default, the Resume tracking the previous data source option is enabled and a list with the names of the previous data sources identified in the system is displayed. Only inactive data sources that are no longer registered in any data collector appear in the list. You can disable the Resume tracking the previous data source option if you want to create a new data source instead.Serial Number setting

    Time Zone
    Specifies the time zone of the physical printer.

    RICOH Supervisor Data Collector uses the printer time zone to correctly identify the printer and collect accurate data. Make sure that the value set for the Time Zone option matches the time zone settings configured on the printer.

    For time zones that observe daylight saving time, the Adjust for daylight saving time automatically check box is selected by default. You can clear the check box if you do not want to apply the daylight saving time adjustment. For time zones that do not observe daylight saving time, the Adjust for daylight saving time automatically option is disabled.

    • After you specify the IP Address or Host Name setting, this option displays the time zone received from the printer.
    • If you change the time zone settings on the printer, you must manually update the Time Zone option.
    • The specified time zone applies to all future data collected from the printer.
    Printer Character Set
    Specifies the character set used to process and display printer data.

    RICOH Supervisor Data Collector uses the character set to display printer data, such as job names, correctly. Make sure that the value set for the Printer Character Set option matches the language settings configured on the printer. For more information, see the printer documentation.

    • After you specify the IP Address or Host Name setting, this option displays the character set received from the printer. If the printer does not provide character set information, RICOH Supervisor Data Collector sets the value to Default - ISO-8859-1 - Western Alphabet.
    • If you change the printer language settings, you must manually update the Printer Character Set option.
    • The specified character set applies to all future data collected from the printer.
  3. Configure the RICOH Pro Scanner Option that provides data about print head cleaning, quality control, and collected logs.
    Note: The RICOH Pro Scanner Option is only available for RICOH Pro VC 60000, 70000 and 80000 printers.
    Specify the status of log collection service from the RICOH Pro Scanner server. You can enable or disable RICOH Pro Scanner server to collect and upload logs to cloud.
    RICOH Pro Scanner Server IP Address or Host Name
    Specify a valid RICOH Pro Scanner Server IP address or host name. The printer IP address or host name is required.
    • Each time you modify the IP address or host name of the server and click the TEST button, RICOH Supervisor Data Collector performs a test connection and tries to detect the server. If the IP address or host name of the RICOH Pro Scanner Server is correct, the server will appear ‘Connected’. The message ‘Cannot reach RICOH Pro Scanner Server’ indicates an incorrect IP address or a connection problem.
    • If the controller version is equal or greater than 6, the RICOH Pro Scanner Server IP Address or Host Name box is not displayed. In this case RICOH Supervisor Data Collector uses the IP or hostname of the printer to communicate to the incorporated RICOH Pro Scanner.
  4. To save the changes, click OK.
    To discard the changes, click Cancel.
Note: When the data collector is not connected to the cloud, you cannot add, edit, or delete a data source. When the connection with the cloud is restored, all functions are enabled.