Formatting Fields

You can change the way number, percent, currency, and date and time fields are displayed in your visuals.
Note: This function is only available with the Self-Service feature. If you want to purchase this feature, contact your Ricoh representative.
  1. Click Dashboards tab, the Dashboards tab.
  2. Click Dashboard Designer, in the bottom-left corner.
  3. On the Analyses dialog, click Options button, the Options button, next to an existing analysis and select Edit.
  4. On the analysis page, select a visual.
  5. Click Visualize button, the Visualize button, on the toolbar to display the Visuals panel.Analysis page - Edit a visual
  6. In the Visuals panel, click Options button, the Options button, next to a field, then select Show as and one of the available display options.
    The list of options varies based on the data type. For numeric fields, you can select Number, Currency, or Percent. If the field contains non-numeric data, you can change the count format, which is the formatting used when the field is counted.
  7. Click Options button, the Options button, again and select Format More Formatting Options.
    You can also select one of the common formatting options available directly from the Format list.
  8. In the Format data panel, configure the available formatting settings.
    To set the format based on the language setting, click Apply language format at the bottom of the panel.

In visuals that display field labels, you can also configure field settings directly from the visual. Click Options button, the Options button, next to a field label and select an option from the menu.

The formatting settings specified for a field using the Options menu from the Visuals panel or the field labels only apply to the selected visual. To specify formatting settings that apply to all the visuals that you add to the analysis, you must configure them from the Data panel on the left. Click Options button, the Options button, next to a field from the Data panel, select Format More Formatting Options, and then configure the settings available in the Format data panel.