Adding Locations

You can define locations on the Settings tab.
To add a location:
  1. Click Settings tab, the Settings tab.
  2. On the Settings tab, click Locations.
  3. In the Locations panel, click Add Location.
    Locations panel - Add location
  4. Specify the location settings in the Add Location dialog box.
    Add Location dialog box

    Specify the location name and select the printers that you want to associate with the location. You can select multiple printers for the location but a printer can belong to only one location.

    You can also add a description with useful information about the location.

    For details about a specific setting, click the Help button to display the on-screen field help.

  5. Click Save & close.
    If you want to add a new location immediately, click Save & add more.

Newly added locations are available in the Dashboards tab after the next data refresh.

A location is displayed in visuals and filters only if it contains at least one printer and if data is available from the printers assigned to the location. If the location is associated with a shift, data must be available for the time interval covered by the shift.