Ink Consumption (Inkjet printers only) Dashboard

This sample dashboard provides information for ink consumption by tracking the monthly and daily ink usage and the ink consumption per printer and per job.
  • This dashboard requires data from RICOH Supervisor Data Collector.

All the time-related data from the Ink Consumption (Inkjet printers only) sample dashboard is displayed in the printer time zone set in RICOH Supervisor Data Collector.

The ink consumption reported by RICOH Supervisor Data Collector includes all ink usage, including ink used to flush the printheads.

Dashboards tab - Ink Consumption dashboard

The following visuals are included in the Ink Consumption (Inkjet printers only) sample dashboard:

Visual type: Stacked area line chart
Displays the total ink usage per month, measured in liters. Includes data from all inkjet printers.
Visual type: Stacked bar chart

Displays the total ink usage per printer, measured in liters. Includes data from all inkjet printers.

You can use the slider to focus on a specific range of data.

Visual type: Stacked bar chart

Displays the peak ink usage per job, measured in milliliters. Includes data from all inkjet printers.

You can use the slider to focus on a specific range of data.

This filter control is defined for the Ink Consumption (Inkjet printers only) sample dashboard:

Lets you filter the data based on a specific data collecting period. By default, the data in the dashboard is limited to the last 2 quarters.

When you edit the filter, choose one of the following options:

  • Relative date

    Choose how you want the filter to relate to the time frame. You can choose to report on previous quarter, this quarter, quarter to date, last number of quarters or next number of quarters.

    You also have the option to exclude time periods.

  • Absolute date range

    Choose the date range from the calendar.

The data is selected based on the time zone of the web browser that accesses RICOH Supervisor.