Editing Visuals

You can modify the content, appearance, and behavior of a visual.
Note: This function is only available with the Self-Service feature. If you want to purchase this feature, contact your Ricoh representative.
To edit a visual:
  1. Click Dashboards tab, the Dashboards tab.
  2. Click Dashboard Designer, in the bottom-left corner.
    Dashboards tab
  3. On the Analyses dialog, click Options button, the Options button, next to an analysis and select Edit.
    Analyses dialog
  4. On the analysis page, go to the visual that you want to edit and select it.
    You can change the content and settings of a visual from the Data, Visuals, and Properties panels. Click the buttons on the toolbar to display or hide a panel.Analysis page - Edit a visual
  5. To change the type of visual, click Visualize button, the Visualize button, on the toolbar to display the Visuals panel, and then select a different chart type under Change visual type.
  6. To change the data included in the visual, click Datasets button, the Datasets button, on the toolbar to display the Data panel, and then drag different data fields to the field wells in the Visuals panel.
    To replace or remove a field, you can also use the Options menu from the Visuals panel. Click Options button, the Options button, next to a field and select Replace or Remove.
  7. To change the settings of the fields included in the visual, click Options button, the Options button, next to a field from the Visuals panel and select one of the available aggregation, formatting, or sorting options.
    In visuals that display field labels, you can also configure field settings directly from the visual. Click Options button, the Options button, next to a field label and select an option from the menu.
  8. To customize the appearance of the visual, click Properties button, the Properties button, on the toolbar to display the Properties panel, and then configure the available formatting settings.