Replacing or Removing Fields

After you create a visual, you can easily change the data it displays by replacing or removing fields.
To replace or remove fields in a visual:
  1. Click Dashboards tab, the Dashboards tab.
  2. Click Dashboard Designer, in the bottom-left corner.
  3. On the Analyses dialog, click Options button, the Options button, next to an existing analysis and select Edit.
  4. On the analysis page, select a visual.
  5. Click Visualize button, the Visualize button, on the toolbar to display the Visuals panel.Analysis page - Edit a visual
  6. In the Visuals panel, use the Options menu to replace or remove fields.
    • To replace a field, click Options button, the Options button, next to the field and select Replace. Then, choose a new field from the list.

      You can also select a different field from the Data panel on the left and drag it over the field that you want to replace.

    • To remove a field, click Options button, the Options button, next to the field and select Remove.