Viewing Dashboards

All the sample dashboards, the dashboards that you created, and the dashboards that were shared with you are displayed on the Dashboards tab. You can select a dashboard in the list to view it in the workspace.

Important: The dashboards are not displayed in Incognito mode. For more information, see If You Encounter a Problem.

To view a dashboard:
  1. Click Dashboards tab, the Dashboards tab.
  2. Select the dashboard that you want to view in the Dashboards list.
    The dashboards are grouped into categories:
    • The Sample Dashboards list includes the Capacity Planning (Impressions), Ink Consumption (Inkjet printers only), Job Insights, Printer Utilization, Shift Performance (Previous Week), and RICOH ProcessDirector dashboards.
    • The dashboards that you created are listed under My Dashboards.
    • The dashboards that are shared with you are listed under Shared with me.
    Dashboards tab