Publishing an Analysis

You can publish analyses and customize them according to your needs. When you publish an analysis, that analysis becomes a dashboard. You can choose to publish one sheet of an analysis, all sheets in the analysis, or any other combination of sheets that you want.
Note: This function is only available with the Self-Service feature. If you want to purchase this feature, contact your Ricoh representative.
Reference: For a video presentation of this function, go to Ricoh How-to Videos.
To publish an analysis:
  1. Click Dashboards tab, the Dashboards tab.
  2. Click Dashboard Designer, in the bottom-left corner.
    Dashboards tab - New dashboard
  3. Open the analysis that you want to use.
  4. Click the Publish button, in the top-right corner.
    Dashboards tab - New dashboard
  5. Do one of the following:
    • To create a new dashboard, choose Publish new dashboard as, and then type a dashboard name.
    • To replace an existing dashboard, do one of the following. Replacing a dashboard updates it without altering security or emailed report settings.
      • To update it with your changes, choose Replace an existing dashboard and then choose a dashboard from the list.
      • To rename it, choose Replace an existing dashboard, choose a dashboard from the list, and then choose Rename. Enter a new name to rename the existing dashboard. When you rename a dashboard, it also saves any changes you made to the analysis.
  6. Choose Publish dashboard.
    If you renamed the existing dashboard, the top of the screen refreshes to show the new name.

Choose the sheets that you want to publish in the SHEETS dropdown. When you select sheets to add to the new dashboard, the dropdown shows how many sheets are selected for publishing. The default option is ALL SHEETS SELECTED.