Moving and Resizing Visuals

You can adjust the position and size of the visuals included in an analysis.
Note: This function is only available with the Self-Service feature. If you want to purchase this feature, contact your Ricoh representative.
To move or resize visuals:
  1. Click Dashboards tab, the Dashboards tab.
  2. Click Dashboard Designer, in the bottom-left corner.
  3. On the Analyses dialog, click Options button, the Options button, next to an analysis and select Edit.
  4. On the analysis page, select the visual that you want to work with.
    Analysis page
  5. To move the visual, hover over one of its borders until Move cursor, the move cursor, is displayed, then drag the visual to the new position.
    In analysis with a tiled layout or a classic layout, the visuals snap to grid with standard spacing and alignment. In analyses with a free-form layout, the visuals can overlap.

    In analyses with a free-form layout, you can also set specific coordinates for the position of the visuals. Click Format visual icon, the Format visual icon, in the top-right corner of a visual to display the Properties panel. Expand the Display Settings section and enter values in the X and Y fields under Size and position.

  6. To resize the visual, hover over one of its anchor points until Resize cursor, the resize cursor, is displayed, then drag the anchor point to adjust the size of the visual.
    In analysis with a tiled layout or a classic layout, the other visuals reposition to preserve the spacing and alignment. In analyses with a free-form layout, the visuals can overlap.

    In analyses with a free-form layout, you can also set specific size values for visuals. Click Format visual icon, the Format visual icon, in the top-right corner of a visual to display the Properties panel. Expand the Display Settings section and enter values in the W and H fields under Size and position.

  7. To expand the visual to the size of the view area, click Maximize button, the Maximize button, in the corner of the visual.
  8. To reposition the visual when it overlaps with other visuals in analyses with a free-form layout, click Menu options button, the Menu options button, in the corner of the visual and select Send to back, Send backward, Bring forward, or Bring to front.