Downloading and Installing RICOH Supervisor Data Collector with Command Line

To start monitoring and gathering data from your printers, you must first install the RICOH Supervisor Data Collector application. If a data collector is not available, the Install Data Collector to Get Printer Data page is displayed.
You can download and install RICOH Supervisor Data Collector using the command line installation:
  1. On the Install Data Collector to Get Printer Data page, prepare to install RICOH Supervisor Data Collector to connect to your printer and click Next.
    Install RICOH Supervisor Data Collector
  2. Check the computer requirements and click Next.
    Install RICOH Supervisor Data Collector
  3. Check the ports that you need to open and click Next.
    Install RICOH Supervisor Data Collector
  4. Check the URLs that need to be whitelisted from your firewall in order to be accessible for the data collector. Click Next.
    Install RICOH Supervisor Data Collector
  5. On the Download & Install Data Collector page, click Download Data Collector for Windows or click here for Linux.
    Download RICOH Supervisor Data Collector
  6. Save the installation file to your computer.
    The procedure for saving the file depends on the web browser.
  7. Open a command prompt.
  8. Launch the installer as an administrator on a Windows system or as root on a Linux system, using the command line option:
    INSTALLER -i silent -DC_REGION={USA|Europe} [-DC_PROXY_ADDR=<proxyAddress> -DC_PROXY_PORT=<proxyPort> -DC_PROXY_USER=<proxyUser> -DC_PROXY_PWD=<proxyPassword>] [-DC_SERVER_PORT=<serverPort>] [-DC_DB_PORT=<dbPort>] [-DC_RESTART_SYSTEM={true|false}] [-DUSER_SHORTCUTS=<userShortcuts>]

    Command Line Options

    Command Line Options Mandatory Optional Details Values Default Values
    -DC_REGION Yes No Available regions USA/Europe N/A
    -DC_PROXY_ADDR No Yes Proxy server N/A System proxy settings
    -DC_PROXY_PORT No Yes Proxy port N/A System proxy settings
    -DC_PROXY_USER No Yes Proxy username N/A N/A
    -DC_PROXY_PWD No Yes Proxy password N/A N/A
    -DC_SERVER_PORT No Yes Web server port N/A 19280
    -DC_DB_PORT No Yes Database server port N/A 19293
    -DUSER_SHORTCUTS No Yes Shortcuts location N/A

    Desktop (Windows)

    Home directory (Linux)

    -DC_RESTART_SYSTEM No Yes Restart system after installation true/false false
    • The commands do not prompt for input when run from the command line.
    • After the command line installation, it takes approximately 2 minutes for RICOH Supervisor Data Collector to become functional.
    • If you use the sudo command when launching the installer on a Linux system, the proxy settings (if not specified) default to the system proxy settings only if the -E option is specified:
      sudo INSTALLER -E -i silent -DC_REGION={USA|Europe} [-DC_PROXY_ADDR=<proxyAddress> -DC_PROXY_PORT=<proxyPort> -DC_PROXY_USER=<proxyUser> -DC_PROXY_PWD=<proxyPassword>] [-DC_SERVER_PORT=<serverPort>] [-DC_DB_PORT=<dbPort>] [-DC_RESTART_SYSTEM={true|false}] [-DUSER_SHORTCUTS=<userShortcuts>]