Report Containing Graph Data

You can export a report based on the line graph displayed on the Management Console page. The report file is exported as a CSV file.

Items Included in the Report File

Item in report file Description
IP Address IP Address
Server Name DFE name
Machine Name Printer name
Location Category
Paper Type Paper type
Paper Name Paper name
ICC Profile Name ICC profile name
Printing Condition Chart name

Max Threshold 1, 2

Ave Threshold 1, 2

95 Percentile [without boundary patches] Threshold 2, 5

Ave [without boundary patches] Threshold 2, 5

K gray average wΔL Threshold 4

K gray maximum wΔL Threshold 4

CMY gray average wΔL Threshold 4

CMY gray maximum wΔL Threshold 4

CMY gray average wΔCh Threshold 4

CMY gray maximum wΔCh Threshold 4

CMY gray DeltaCh AVE Threshold 5

CMY gray DeltaCh MAX Threshold 5

Paper White DELTA Threshold 5

Standards for Various Charts
Date Time Date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, and second) of the measurement
DELTA Value of individual color deviation
DELTA AVE 1, 3 Average delta E
DELTA AVE [without boundary patches] 2, 5 Average delta E excluding boundary patches
95 Percentile [without boundary patches] 2, 5 Delta E of 95th percentile patches excluding boundary patches
CMY gray average wΔL 4 Average weighted delta L of CMY gray
CMY gray maximum wΔL 4 Maximum weighted delta L of CMY gray
K gray average wΔL 4 Average weighted delta L of K gray
K gray maximum wΔL 4 Maximum weighted delta L of K gray
CMY gray average wΔCh 4 Average weighted delta Ch of CMY gray
CMY gray maximum wΔCh 4 Maximum weighted delta Ch of CMY gray
CMY gray DeltaCh AVE 5 Average delta Ch of composite gray
CMY gray DeltaCh MAX 5 Maximum delta Ch of composite gray
Paper White DELTA 5 Delta E of paper whiteness

1 When using the JC Digital, Wedge chart

2 When using the ISO12647-8 Coated V3 chart

3 When using the Verify GRACoL 2013, Wedge chart

4 When using the Simple Gray Scale, Wedge 2013 chart

5 When using the ISO12647-8:2021 Coated V3 chart