Registering a New Chart for Colorimetry

To register a new chart for colorimetry, create a chart information file and register it.

  • You do not need to register the chart for colorimetry when using a chart that is already registered.

  1. Create a chart information file in plain text format (TXT) using a text editor application such as Notepad in Windows.
    • Specifying the file name and save location is optional.
  2. Click Colorimetry on your computer.Clicking Colorimetry
  3. Click Add.Clicking the [Add] button
  4. Click Browse... and select a Chart Information File.Clicking the [Browse] button to select a chart information file
  5. Click OK OK.
  6. When finished creating the chart for colorimetry, click OK.
    A PDF file for printing and other files are created, and the chart for colorimetry is added to the list.