Using Fiery to Print the Color Chart PDF File for Color Adjustment

To obtain a stable color output, print 10 copies of the chart. Use the copy of the profiling chart that is printed the last.

To use Fiery to print the color chart PDF file for color adjustment:

  1. Set the paper specified in Paper Name on the Add/Edit Chart screen of Initial Settings onto the paper tray.
  2. In the MEDIA section, select Paper Catalog or specify the Paper Type, Paper Weight, and Paper Size manually.
  3. In the LAYOUT section, set Duplex to Off.Setting [Duplex] to [Off]
  4. In the COLOR section, specify the Output profile assigned to Verification Wedge that is registered in the Add/Edit Chart screen of Initial Settings. However, specify Verify GRACoL2013, Wedge when Simple Gray Scale, Wedge 2013 is specified in Verification Wedge.Setting the [Output profile] and [CMYK source] to [Bypass conversion]
  5. Set CMYK source to Bypass conversion.
  6. Set Black text and graphics to Normal.Setting [Black text and graphics] to [Normal]