Emails are not sent or received

An email might not have been sent from the system or received by the recipient if your email provider blocked the message, the recipient email address is incorrect, an attached file is too large, or if the SMTP settings are incorrect.
  • First, check with your email administrator to make sure the system is running correctly. Verify that no settings have changed recently. Then check your SMTP settings in RICOH ProcessDirector.
    Check your SMTP settings for the SMTP server your step uses:
    • Make sure the SMTP server or Alternate SMTP server field has the correct server address listed.
    • Make sure the SMTP port or Alternate SMTP port field has the correct port number listed and check with your network administrator to make sure this port is not blocked by any firewalls.
    • Make sure the SMTP user name or Alternate SMTP user name and the SMTP password or Alternate SMTP password fields contain the correct SMTP user name and password combination.
    • If your default or alternate SMTP server uses network security, check your default or alternate SMTP server settings to see if the server uses SSL or TLS protocols. If it uses either one of these protocols, make sure only the corresponding field, Email SSL port/Alternate email SSL port or Email TLS port/Alternate email TLS port, is used. If you are not using either of these technologies, do not use either of these fields.
  • Check the size of the file sent to the recipient. If a file is too large, your email provider or the recipient’s email provider might block the message. If the file is too large, you might need to split it into segments or mail it on removable media.
    • The common maximum email size limit is 25Mb, though this value can be different for each provider.
  • Make sure the job reached the step that sends email. The job might:
    • Go to the Error state before reaching the step that sends email.
    • Follow an incorrect path through a conditional workflow and never reach the step that was supposed to send the email. In this case, correct the logic that sent the job through the incorrect branch.