docCustomDefinitions.xml file

The document properties configuration file (docCustomDefinitions.xml) defines properties that are used to manage documents. The installation process places a sample file in /aiw/aiw1/samples/config on UNIX-based operating systems, and in C:\aiw\aiw1\samples\config on Windows.

  • If you change the docCustomDefinitions.xml file after installing Advanced Document Pool, AFP Support, or PDF Document Support:
    • Run the docCustom utility and install or upgrade the Custom Document Properties feature.
    • For the PDF Document Support feature, load the document properties to RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat.
    • For the AFP Support feature, access RICOH Visual Workbench from the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface. New document properties are loaded to RICOH Visual Workbench when it opens on your workstation.

Database properties and limited properties

You can define two types of document properties:

  • Database properties
  • Limited properties

You can store and manipulate both types of properties in a document properties file, but only database properties are stored in the database.

You can work with both types of properties in these ways:

  • You can use them with steps in a workflow to group or sort documents (for example, with the SortDocuments step template).
  • You can link them to AFP index tags using the RICOH Visual Workbench Document Property Designer.
  • You can map document data in PDF jobs to them using RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat.
  • If you have the Archive feature, you can store them in a repository. After you store them, you can use them to search the repository and retrieve jobs, documents, and history information. The values of the properties appear on the Properties tab when you click Show details on the Results table.
  • If you have the Preference Management feature, you can use an external preferences file to set the values of the properties.

You can work with database properties, but not limited properties, in these ways:

  • You can use them to search for documents on the Documents portlet on the Main page of the user interface.
  • When you select a document on the Documents portlet, the values of database properties are displayed.
  • You can use them to search for documents to display in the viewer.
  • You can determine their values in one job, update their values in another job, and use the updated values in the original job.
  • If you have the Automated Verification or Inserter feature, you can use database properties to search for documents to reconcile or reprint.
  • If you have the Advanced Document Pool extended feature, you can use selectors to manipulate documents based on their property values.

Limited properties offer these advantages:

  • You can use them to avoid displaying sensitive property values in the user interface, such as Social Security numbers or check amounts.
  • They maximize system performance. Database property manipulation can degrade performance if you process a significant number of documents.

Work with your support representative to determine your needs for database and limited document properties.

Sections in sample file

The sample docCustomDefinitions.xml file contains several sections. This table summarizes them.

Sections in the docCustomDefinitions.xml file

Section Purpose
Schema The schema section identifies the schema and the unique character string for the custom document properties. Only the support representative should edit this section.
Database properties This section defines database document properties.
Limited properties This section defines limited document properties.
User authorization properties This section is optional. User authorization properties specify custom authority groups for access to database properties.

Schema section

The Schema section contains one docCustomDefinitions element and one schema element. Only support representatives should edit the schema section.

Database properties section

The Database properties section contains the docProperty element.

  • Do not define a property as both a database property and a limited property. Unexpected behavior might occur.
  • Do not define a document property with the same name as a property that RICOH ProcessDirector defines automatically. For a list, see Automatically defined document properties.
Defines document properties that are in the database.

Attributes for the docProperty element

docProperty attribute Required? Notes
name Yes The database name (internal name) for the property. Programs that read or write properties use this name. We recommend that you use a consistent naming convention for your custom property names, so they are unique across the entire system. For example, the sample docCustomDefinitions.xml file uses the prefix Doc.Custom to make its properties unique from those of the base product.

Do not use any special characters (such as @, #, $, %, or - (dash)) or spaces in the property name. You can use periods and underscores.

Do not use a number immediately after the period (.) in the property database name. For example, the property Doc.3rdLineAddress is not valid.

access No The user access level for the property. You can use an access level that is already defined in the product, or you can create a custom access level if an existing one does not meet your needs. See the Access section for more information.
datatype Yes The data type to use for the property. See the next table.
dbType No A database parameter that specifies the type of data.
  • The dbType property has been deprecated and is no longer used. Use the datatype property instead.
caption Yes The user interface name (default caption) for the property. If you are setting up captions in only one language, define them in this file. If you are setting up user interface names in more than one language, create additional document properties names files ( for the other languages.
shortCaption Yes The default short caption displayed for this property where required, such as in table column headings. If you are setting up short captions in only one language, define them in this file. If you are setting up short captions in more than one language, create additional document properties names files ( for the other languages.
description Yes The default description of the document property, which displays in the user interface as help text. If you are setting up descriptions in only one language, define them in this file. If you are setting up descriptions in more than one language, create additional document properties names files ( for the other languages.

You can use these data types and database types in database property definitions. Keep in mind that the database definition might further restrict the values that can be stored, in addition to the validation rules shown in this table. For example, a SMALLINT can store integers from 0 to 32,767. Database type values are not case-sensitive.

Data types and database types for docProperty definitions

Data type Database type (used in SQL) Validation for data type
String VARCHAR(128) VARCHAR: variable length, 1–128 characters
IntegerNonNeg SMALLINTBIGINTINTEGER SMALLINT: 2 bytesBIGINT: 4 bytesINTEGER: 8 bytesMinimum=0
Timestamp TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP: Must contain values for day (D), month (M), and year (Y).Those components can appear in one of these formats:MM DD YYYYDD MM YYYYYYYY MM DDDay and month must be represented by a two-digit number.You can add a time of day in this format:hh:mm:ss
XdkString10 VARCHAR(10) VARCHAR: variable length, 1–10 characters

  • These values are variations of the String data type that can be used instead of String to reduce the amount of space reserved in the database for property values.

XdkString20 VARCHAR(20) VARCHAR: variable length, 1–20 characters

  • These values are variations of the String data type that can be used instead of String to reduce the amount of space reserved in the database for property values.

XdkString30 VARCHAR(30) VARCHAR: variable length, 1–30 characters

  • These values are variations of the String data type that can be used instead of String to reduce the amount of space reserved in the database for property values.

XdkString40 VARCHAR(40) VARCHAR: variable length, 1–40 characters

  • These values are variations of the String data type that can be used instead of String to reduce the amount of space reserved in the database for property values.

XdkString50 VARCHAR(50) VARCHAR: variable length, 1–50 characters

  • These values are variations of the String data type that can be used instead of String to reduce the amount of space reserved in the database for property values.

XdkString128 VARCHAR(128) VARCHAR: variable length, 1–128 characters

  • These values are variations of the String data type that can be used instead of String to reduce the amount of space reserved in the database for property values.

Limited properties section

The Limited properties section contains one or more docProperty elements.

  • Do not define a property as both a database property and a limited property. Unexpected behavior might occur.
  • Do not define a document property with the same name as a property that RICOH ProcessDirector defines automatically. For a list, see Automatically defined document properties.
Defines document properties that are manipulated only in the document properties file and not in the database.

Attributes for the docProperty element

docProperty attribute Required? Notes
name Yes We recommend that you use a consistent naming convention for your custom property names, so that they are unique across the entire system. For example, the sample docCustomDefinitions.xml file uses the prefix Doc.Custom to make its properties unique from the base product.

Do not use any special characters (such as @, #, $, %, or - (dash)) or spaces in the property name. You can use periods and underscores.

Do not use a number immediately after the period (.) in the property database name. For example, the property Doc.3rdLineAddress is not valid.

datatype No See the next table.
caption No The caption displayed in lists in the user interface for this property. If you are setting up captions in only one language, define them in this file. If you are setting up captions in more than one language, create a document properties names file ( for the other languages. See the related information center topic for details.

You can use these data types in docProperty definitions:

Data types for the docProperty element

Data type Validation for data type
Integer between 0 and 2147483647
Timestamp TIMESTAMP: Must contain values for day (D), month (M), and year (Y).Those components can appear in one of these formats:MM DD YYYYDD MM YYYYYYYY MM DDDay and month must be represented by a two-digit number.You can add a time of day in this format:hh:mm:ss

User authorization properties section

The User authorization properties section is optional. User authorization properties specify custom authority groups for access to database properties. This section contains one or more access elements.

Used to define the ability to read or edit custom properties. You use these access levels in the docProperty element. You can use one of the default security groups that RICOH ProcessDirector provides, or define your own. These are the attributes:

Attributes for the access element

access attribute Notes
name Name of the access level.
groupAttributeAccess Ability of the user group to read or edit the attribute.
These are the default access levels and authorizations that RICOH ProcessDirector provides:

Default access levels and authorizations

Access name Group name Access level
generic AnyAuthenticated Attribute access: read
Operator Attribute access: read
Supervisor Attribute access: read
Administrator Attribute access: write
attrWriteAdmin Operator Attribute access: read
Supervisor Attribute access: read
Administrator Attribute access: write
Everyone Attribute access: read
Monitor Attribute access: read
attrWriteAdminSuper Operator Attribute access: read
Supervisor Attribute access: write
Administrator Attribute access: write
Everyone Attribute access: read
Monitor Attribute access: read
attrWriteAdminSuperOper Operator Attribute access: write
Supervisor Attribute access: write
Administrator Attribute access: write
Everyone Attribute access: read
Monitor Attribute access: read
actionAdmin Operator Action access: false
Supervisor Action access: false
Administrator Action access: true
Everyone Action access: false
Monitor Action access: false
actionAdminSuper Operator Action access: false
Supervisor Action access: true
Administrator Action access: true
Everyone Action access: false
Monitor Action access: false
actionAdminSuperOper Operator Action access: true
Supervisor Action access: true
Administrator Action access: true
Everyone Action access: false
Monitor Action access: false

Automatically defined document properties

This table lists document properties that RICOH ProcessDirector automatically defines during installation. Do not define these properties in the docCustomDefinitions.xml file.

Automatically defined document properties

Property database name Packaged with... Notes
Doc.Address.1 Postal Enablement Specifies the first line of the address block in the document.
Doc.Address.Company Postal Enablement Specifies the company name in the document.
Doc.Address.PostalCode Postal Enablement Specifies the zip code in the document.
Doc.Address.ZipCode Postal Enablement Specifies the zip code in the document.
Doc.AV.ScanCount Automated Verification Shows the number of times the barcode on a document is scanned.
Doc.ChildJobID All document processing features A grouping identifier for child jobs. Although the value is initially defined in IdentifyDocuments or IdentifyPDFDocuments, it can be updated by any step that changes the document properties file, such as SplitDocuments or CreateJobsFromDocuments.
Doc.CurrentFirstPage All document processing features The page number of the first page of the document in the current print file.
Doc.CurrentJobID All document processing features The associated job number.
Doc.CurrentPages All document processing features The number of pages for the document in the current job.
Doc.CurrentSequence All document processing features The sequence of the document in the current job.
Doc.CurrentSheets All document processing features The number of sheets for the document in the current job.
Doc.Custom.MemberLevel Electronic Presentment The customer’s level of membership at the time the statement was created.
Doc.Custom.PURL Electronic Presentment A personalized URL linking to the location where the customer can retrieve the statement.
Doc.Custom.StatementDate Electronic Presentment The date of when the statement was first issued.
Doc.DataLen All document processing features The length (in bytes) of the document in the print file.
Doc.DataOffset All document processing features The byte offset of the document in the print file of the original job. This value is used by BuildAFPFromDocuments and CreateAFPJobsFromDocuments to locate the AFP to extract from the original job.
Doc.DocSize.PieceThickness Postal Enablement Specifies the thickness of a mail piece when the mail pieces in a job have different thicknesses.
Doc.DocSize.PieceWeight Postal Enablement Specifies the weight of a mail piece when the mail pieces in a job have different weights.
Doc.Email.Sent All document processing features Specifies whether an email with an attached document has been created and delivered to the SMTP server by the EmailDocuments step in a workflow.
Doc.EmailAddress All document processing features The email address associated with the document.
Doc.ID All document processing features A unique identifier for the document.
Doc.Insert.BinTriggers Inserter The inserter bins that should deliver inserts for this document.
Doc.Insert.DivertBin Inserter The number of the inserter output bin to which the document is diverted after insertion.
Doc.Insert.OriginalBarCode Inserter The data in the barcode that controls insertion of the document.
Doc.Insert.RecipientName Inserter The name of the person to whom this document is mailed.
Doc.Insert.ReprintJobId Inserter For an inserter reprint job, the parent job ID that created the job.
Doc.Member.Number Archive Specifies the member number in the document. The RepositorySample supplied workflow uses this property.
Doc.OriginalFirstPage All document processing features The page number of the first page of the document.
Doc.OriginalJobID All document processing features The job ID of the original job.
Doc.OriginalPages All document processing features The number of pages in the document.
Doc.OriginalSequence All document processing features The sequence of the document in the original job. The system gives the first document the sequence value 1, the next document has the sequence value 2, and so on.
Doc.OriginalSheets All document processing features The number of sheets needed to print the document.
Doc.Postal.AddressProcessingRC Postal Enablement A value returned from postal software to indicate if an address change is available for the document.
Doc.Postal.Category Postal Enablement Specifies the pallet break mark for the document.
Doc.Postal.ChangeAddressRC Postal Enablement Specifies the pallet number for the document.
Doc.Postal.ContainerBreakMark Postal Enablement Specifies the container break mark for the document.
Doc.Postal.ContainerNumber Postal Enablement Specifies the container number for the document.
Doc.Postal.HandlingUnitBreakMark Postal Enablement Specifies the package break mark for the document.
Doc.Postal.HandlingUnitNumber Postal Enablement Specifies the package number for the document.
Doc.Postal.PackageBreakMark Postal Enablement Specifies the postage rate for the document.
Doc.Postal.PackageNumber Postal Enablement Specifies the postage rate code for the document.
Doc.Postal.PostageRate Postal Enablement Specifies the presort sequence number for the document.
Doc.Postal.PostageRateCode Postal Enablement A value returned from postal sorting software to indicate the result of its processing.
Doc.Postal.SequenceNumber Postal Enablement The sequence of the document in the child job.
Doc.Postal.SequencingProcessingRC Postal Enablement The state of the document.
Doc.Pref.Member Preference Management Can be used with a property mapping object to identify the documents in a job. The DelimitedSample supplied property mapping object and PreferencesSample supplied workflow use this property.
Doc.Pref.Output Preference Management Can be used with a property mapping object to indicate the output type (such as Email, Print, or Suppress) for a document. The DelimitedSample supplied property mapping object and PreferencesSample supplied workflow use this property.
Doc.Pull All document processing features Can be used with the SetDocPropsFromList step template to indicate that a document should be removed from a job. The PullPDFSample and PullAFPSample supplied workflows use this property.
Doc.PullProp All document processing features Can be used with the SetDocPropsFromList step template to identify which document property determines the documents to be removed from a job. The PullPDFSample and PullAFPSample supplied workflows use this property.
Doc.SequenceInChild All document processing features The sequence of a document in a child job. Although the value is initially defined in IdentifyDocuments, it can be updated by any step that changes the document properties file, such as SortDocuments or CreateJobsFromDocuments.
Doc.SourceFileName All document processing features The name of the input file that contained the document.
Doc.State All document processing features The current state of the document.
Doc.TT.BarcodeStatus1 Automated Verification Shows whether the barcode on a document has been read correctly by the camera or barcode scanner associated with a ReadBarcodeData step.
Doc.TT.BarcodeStatus2 Automated Verification Shows whether the barcode on a document has been read correctly by the camera or barcode scanner associated with a ReadBarcodeData step.
Doc.TT.BarcodeStatus3 Automated Verification Shows whether the barcode on a document has been read correctly by the camera or barcode scanner associated with a ReadBarcodeData step.
Doc.TT.BarcodeStatus4 Automated Verification Shows whether the barcode on a document has been read correctly by the camera or barcode scanner associated with a ReadBarcodeData step.
Doc.TT.BarcodeStatus5 Automated Verification Shows whether the barcode on a document has been read correctly by the camera or barcode scanner associated with a ReadBarcodeData step.
Doc.Verification.Recipient Automated Verification Specifies information, such as account name, that helps you to identify a document.