Configuring to extract data to a remote server

If you need to send data collected in the Reports database to another application that does not support the REST protocol, you can use PostgreSQL commands to extract the data following this procedure.
To configure to extract data to a remote server:
  1. Log in to the primary server.
  2. Go to this directory: C:\aiw\aiw1\data
    • RICOH ProcessDirector does not create the data directory until you start capturing data in the PostgreSQL database.
  3. Open the pg_hba.conf file in a text editor.
  4. Find the comment line for IPv4 local connections:

    # IPv4 local connections:

    • RICOH ProcessDirector does not support IPv6 connections for saving data to remote PostgreSQL servers.

  5. Add a line with the IP address and subnet of the remote server.

    For example, to extract data from the PostgreSQL database to an application on a computer at IP address and subnet mask 32, enter the third line shown in this example:

    # IPv4 local connections:
    host  all         all        trust
    host  all         all        trust 

    On lines 2 and 3 in the example:

    • The first value specifies the type of connection: host is a plain or SSL-encrypted TCP/IP socket.
    • The second value specifies the databases that users can access.
    • The third value specifies the users who can access the databases.
    • The fifth value specifies the security: trust lets any local user extract data from the database as any PostgreSQL user, including the database super user.

    For information about the choices for each value, see the comments in the pg_hba.conf file.

  6. Open the postgresql.conf file in a text editor.
  7. In the connections and authentication section, find the #listen_addresses line.
  8. To instruct PostgreSQL to listen for notification events on all connections, remove the comment sign (#) and change the ‘localhost’ value to ‘*’.

    listen_addresses = '*'
    For added security, you can specify a comma-separated list of IP addresses instead of *.

  9. Save the file and exit the text editor.
  10. Stop the PostgreSQL database.
    Note: The sample commands use the default values from the Administration Reports Database Settings for the user name, password, and port number. If you changed any of those values, use your values in the command.
    Open a command prompt and type this command:
    • "C:\Program Files\Ricoh\ProcessDirector\PostgreSQL\bin\pg_ctl" stop -o "-p portnumber" -U rpdreports -P testpassword -D C:\aiw\aiw1\data\history -l C:\aiw\aiw1\trace\postgres.trace

      Where rpdreports and testpassword are the name and password for the PostgreSQL user and portnumber is the port that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to access the Reports database.

  11. Start the PostgreSQL database.
    • "C:\Program Files\Ricoh\ProcessDirector\PostgreSQL\bin\pg_ctl" start -o "-p portnumber" -U rpdreports -P testpassword -D C:\aiw\aiw1\data\history -l C:\aiw\aiw1\trace\postgres.trace

      Where rpdreports and testpassword are the name and password for the PostgreSQL user and portnumber is the port that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to access the Reports database.

    1. Log in to RICOH ProcessDirector
    2. Click the Administration tab.
    3. In the left pane, click Reports Data Collectors .
    4. In the upper right corner, if the database status is Not connected, refresh your browser to change it to Connected.