Enabling or Disabling the Automatic Conversion of Microsoft Office Files to PDF

Office Conversion is a BETA feature available with a RICOH TotalFlow Producer Advanced subscription. It allows RICOH TotalFlow Producer to convert Microsoft Office files and supported image formats to PDF, either automatically during job submission or on demand.
For Microsoft Office files, administrators can disable or enable the automatic conversion to PDF during job submission from the Details tab in RICOH Account Administration.
To enable or disable the automatic conversion of Microsoft Office files to PDF:
  1. Sign in to RICOH Account Administration.
  2. Click Details on the left panel.
  3. Click Edit details.
  4. Scroll down to TotalFlow Producer Settings.
  5. Enable or disable the Automatically convert Microsoft Office files to PDF option.
  6. Click Ok.
This setting automatically applies to all the jobs submitted in RICOH TotalFlow Producer by any user belonging to your account.
Note: If the Automatically convert Microsoft Office files to PDF option is disabled, job managers can manually convert individual Microsoft Office files to PDF from the Jobs table in RICOH TotalFlow Producer.