Reordering the Pages of a Job File

PDF Editor lets you reorder the pages of a submitted PDF file.
To reorder the pages of a job file:
  1. Open the RICOH TotalFlow Producer Jobs table.
  2. Right-click a PDF job and select View and edit PDF...
    The PDF Editor opens.
  3. Click , the Document Editor icon.
  4. Click the pages that you want to move to select them. To clear the selection of one or more pages, click the pages again.
  5. To move the pages in one step, drag and drop them in the new position. All the selected pages are repositioned in the previous numerical order in the new place.
  6. To move pages in different positions, click one of these icons:
    • To insert the selected pages after a certain page, click , the Move icon. Then type the number of the page after which the selected pages must go. To insert the pages at the beginning of the document, type 0.
    • To move each of the selected pages one step behind, click , the Move Before icon.
    • To move each of the selected pages one step ahead, click , the Move After icon.
  7. Click Save.