Orders Table

The Orders table displays all the orders submitted to RICOH TotalFlow Producer. Orders consist of one or more job files grouped together to be printed by a print shop.
Note: Only users with a RICOH TotalFlow Producer Advanced subscription can submit and manage orders.

You can create orders from job files that you already received and submit them in the RICOH TotalFlow Producer user interface. Orders can also be generated when files are submitted by email.

Submitted orders are available in RICOH TotalFlow Producer until they are deleted.

When you first open the application, several sample orders are displayed in the Orders table. The table columns show the names of the orders and their properties.

When you click the arrow in front of an order name, you can see the jobs within the order and their properties.

The following order properties are displayed by default:

  • Order ID - a unique number that TotalFlow Producer assigns to the order.
  • Status - the current state of the order.

    The status of an order can be:

    • New Order - the order arrived in RICOH TotalFlow Producer but it has not been processed yet.
    • Processing - the order is being processed.
    • Prepress required - the order requires the action of an operator before printing.
    • Ready for production - the order is ready for printing.
    • Waiting for customer - the order requires the action of the customer. For example, the customer must send a new file or approve a draft.
    • Order Complete - the jobs are printed and the production of the order is complete.
    • Shipped - the order has been sent to the customer.

  • Order Name - the name given to an order when it was created.
  • Date Submitted - the date when the order was submitted.
  • Due date - the date when the jobs must be printed.
  • Customer - if a customer user submitted the order, their Customer name is displayed here. If an internal user submitted the order, the field is empty.
  • Submitted by - the email of the user that submitted the order.

You can also choose to display other order information from the Manage Columns table:

  • Assigned to - the employee that is in charge of monitoring the order.
  • Submission Method - shows how the order was submitted.

    The submission methods can be:

    • Producer - the user submitted the order in the RICOH TotalFlow Producer user interface.
    • Email - the user sent the order by email.
    • Sample - the order is a sample that RICOH TotalFlow Producer provides for new users.

Based on the access rights of your user account, you can do the following actions in the Orders table:

  • Submit orders.

    Click the Submit Order button in the top-right corner.

  • Manage the columns in the table.

    Click , the Table Settings icon, then Manage order columns.... Select which order properties are displayed in the Orders table and rearrange them.

  • Manage the columns for the jobs inside the order.

    Click , the Table Settings icon, then Manage job columns.... Select which properties are displayed for the jobs inside the order and rearrange them.

  • Sort orders.

    Click a column heading to sort the orders according to that column.

  • Filter orders.

    Click , the Search icon, and type a string of characters to filter the orders.

  • Group orders.

    Click the arrow next to the Orders table title, then select a grouping method:

    • Orders Grouped by Customer

      Customer users cannot see the orders of other customers and do not have access to this option.

    • Orders Grouped by Submitter

      Users with a Job Submitter role can only view their own orders and do not have access to this option.

    • Orders Grouped by Status
    • Orders Grouped by Due Date

  • Manually change the order state.

    Right-click an order or a group of selected orders and select Change state to. Then, select a status from the menu.

  • Add customized order states.

    Right-click an order or a group of selected orders and select Change state to. Then, select Order status settings.... Create a customized order state that you can use when you change the order state manually.

  • Edit order properties.

    Right-click an order and select Order properties....

  • Delete orders.

    Right-click an order or a group of selected orders and select Delete orders....

  • Expand the order to view and manage its jobs.

    Click the arrow in front of the order name. Inside the order, you can see the Jobs table that displays the jobs within the order and their properties.