Viewing the Job File in the PDF Editor

With a RICOH TotalFlow Producer Advanced subscription, users with a Job Submitter or a Job Submitter & Viewer role can view PDF job files in the PDF Editor. The PDF Editor also lets them add drawings and comments or use the search function.
Note: Users with a Job Submitter role can view only the files in their own jobs.
To view a job file:
  1. In the Jobs or the Orders table, right-click a PDF job and select View....
    The PDF Editor opens.PDF Editor
  2. To navigate through the file and to adjust the view and layout settings, use the view buttons available on the left side of the toolbar.
  3. To add a drawing:
    1. Click , the Drawing icon.
      An options bar is displayed below the main toolbar.
    2. Set the color, fill color, opacity, line thickness, and blend mode.
    3. Use the mouse to apply the drawing on the page.
    4. To add a note for the drawing, click the drawing to select it, then click , the Note icon, on the right end of the options bar.
    5. To remove the drawing, click the drawing to select it, then click , the Delete icon, on the right end of the options bar.
  4. To add a comment:
    1. Click , the Comment icon.
    2. Click the PDF page to set the position of the comment, then enter the text inside the box and click , the Comment button.
    3. To reply to a comment, click the comment symbol in the PDF, then enter the reply inside the box and click , the Reply button.
    4. To edit or delete the comment, click the comment symbol in the PDF, then click , the More options icon, next to the comment and select Edit Content or Delete.
  5. To search the document, click , the Search Document icon, and enter the text that you want to find.