Separator page form definition

Specifies the name of the AFP form definition that the printer uses when it prints separator pages between copies in multi-copy jobs. The form definition controls the placement of data on the separator page. It also defines other formatting information, such as a bin number for the printer device. For example, with cut-sheet printers, the separator page can print on paper that is a different color than the paper color for the job.


Up to 8 alphanumeric characters (bytes)
Case-sensitive; can include these special characters: # $ @
F1AIWSEP; used only if no value is specified. This is the default valueset by the printer driver component.
Database name

Usage notes:

  • The form definition must reside in one of the directories that the AFP resource path printer property specifies or in one of these directories:
    • In Linux:
      • In the /aiw/aiw1/resources directory
      • In the /usr/lpp/psf/reslib directory
    • In Windows:
      • In the c:\aiw\aiw1\resources directory
      • In the \reslib directory in the PSF install path The default install path is c:\Program Files (x86)\InfoPrint\PSF
  • You cannot change the value of this property if there is a job assigned to the printer.
  • RICOH ProcessDirector automatically shuts down and restarts the printer when you change the form definition for separator pages.