Preprinted form overlay on back

Specifies whether any preprinted form overlays specified for the back side of a sheet should print on simplex sheets if the job is not printed in duplex. This property applies to all preprinted form overlays specified for the job or specified on the AFP printer object.


Not set
No value is set. Other job or printer level duplex properties control how the preprinted forms overlays are printed.
No (default)
If the job specifies simplex or is forced to simplex by a printer that does not support duplexing, ignore any preprinted forms overlays specified for the back sides of the sheets.
If the job specifies simplex or is forced to simplex by a printer that does not support duplexing, print any preprinted forms overlays specified for the back sides of the sheets on the front sides.
Database name

Usage notes:

  • This property is ignored if no Medium preprinted overlay for back or Partition preprinted overlay for back is defined for either the job or AFP printer.