Color mapping table

Specifies the color mapping table (CMT) to use for printing the job. Authorized users can specify this property.


Up to 8 characters (bytes).
No default value. If no value is specified for this property, the CMT specified by the printer Color mapping table property is used.
Database name

Usage notes:

  • CMTs are used only for jobs printed on AFP printers.
  • Make sure that the CMT that this property specifies is accessible to RICOH ProcessDirector. RICOH ProcessDirector looks for resources:
    1. Inline in the data stream
    2. In the directories that the AFP resource path job property specifies
    3. If the print step requests a resource, in the directories that the AFP resource path printer property specifies
    4. In Linux:
      • In the /aiw/aiw1/resources directory
      • In the /usr/lpp/psf/reslib directory
    5. In Windows:
      • In the c:\aiw\aiw1\resources directory
      • In the \reslib directory in the PSF install path The default install path is c:\Program Files (x86)\InfoPrint\PSF