IOCA transform resolution (dpi)

For the AFP output of the Advanced transform feature, specifies the resolution of the IOCA images produced. The resolution of raster fonts is set with the Transform resolution property.


Number from 100-999

For example:

The resolution is 240 dots-per-inch. Use this resolution for printers such as the IBM 3900.
300 (default)
The resolution is 300 dots-per-inch. Use this resolution for printers such as some models of the InfoPrint 4000.
The resolution is 360 dots-per-inch. Use this resolution for printers such as the InfoPrint 5000.
The resolution is 600 dots-per-inch. Use this resolution for printers such as the InfoPrint 4100.

Database name

Usage note: This property specifies the resolution of AFP image data that appears in the Image Input Descriptor (IID) or Image Data Descriptor (IDD) structured fields of IOCA objects.