Product ID

Specifies the product ID of the media. This property is used only with jobs sent to Ricoh PDF printers with a Data stream to send value of JDF/PDF. Some control units for Ricoh PDF printers can be configured to use product IDs to select media.


1–128 characters (bytes)
Database name
Usage notes:
  • When Media Matching is set to Use media product ID or media name, RICOH ProcessDirector tries to match media in the JDF job ticket submitted with the job based on the media product ID. If RICOH ProcessDirector does not find a matching product ID, it tries to match media in the job ticket based on the media name.

    RICOH ProcessDirector first checks whether the JDF job ticket specifies a media product ID. If it does, RICOH ProcessDirector looks for a media object with the same product ID.

    If RICOH ProcessDirector finds a match, it puts the name of the matching media object in the job property for job media or page-exception media.

    If RICOH ProcessDirector does not find a match, it looks for a media object with the media name specified in the JDF job ticket. If RICOH ProcessDirector finds a match, it puts the name of the matching media object in the job property for job media or page-exception media.

  • When RICOH ProcessDirector sends a job with a JDF job ticket to a Ricoh PDF printer, RICOH ProcessDirector looks for media product IDs:
    1. First RICOH ProcessDirector looks in the mediamap.cfg file for a product ID to associate with a media name. The mediamap.cfg file maps media names to media product IDs separately for different printers. For example, this entry maps media named A4 Blue to media product ID 39872 only when the job is sent to the printer named RicohPro9110: RicohPro9110,A4 Blue,39872

      If another printer uses a different media product ID for A4 Blue paper, a different entry in the file provides the mapping. For example: RicohPro8120,A4 Blue,239872

      If RICOH ProcessDirector finds an entry, it takes the product ID in the entry and associates it with the media name in the job ticket.

    2. If RICOH ProcessDirector does not find an entry, it looks for a Product ID in the media object associated with the media name. If RICOH ProcessDirector finds a Product ID value, it associates the product ID with the media name in the job ticket.

    If RICOH ProcessDirector does not find a match, it does not send a product ID for that media name in the job ticket.