Columns in list file

Specifies one or more document properties that correspond to columns in the list file.

The SetDocPropsFromList step compares the values of the document properties for each document in the document properties file to the values in the list file. If the values of the document properties match values in the list file, the SetDocPropsFromList step updates the document property specified as the Document property to set property with the value specified by the Value for matching documents property.

If one or more values of the document properties do not match values in the list file, the step updates the document property specified as the Document property to set property with the value specified by the Value for other documents property.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • You must select at least one document property.
  • You must specify the document properties (top to bottom) in the order that they appear in the list file (left to right).
  • Use the minimum number of document properties needed to match columns in the list file.
  • Example:
    • The list file contains two columns. The first column has values for account type, and the second column has values for postal code:
    • The values of the Columns in list file property are Doc.Custom.AccountType and Doc.Custom.PostalCode.
    • A document matches if the values of its Doc.Custom.AccountType and Doc.Custom.PostalCode document properties are Individual and 80301, Individual and 80302, or Corporate and 80301.
    • A document does not match if the values of its Doc.Custom.AccountType and Doc.Custom.PostalCode document properties are Corporate and 80302, any other account type (such as Partnership), or any other postal code (such as 80303).
  • Columns in list file is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.