Create child jobs

Specifies whether RICOH ProcessDirector creates child jobs or independent jobs when it finds 2 or more matching XML elements or JSON objects. When RICOH ProcessDirector finds one matching element or object, it creates an independent job.


No (default)
When RICOH ProcessDirector finds 2 or more matching XML elements or JSON objects, it creates independent jobs.
When RICOH ProcessDirector finds 2 or more matching XML elements or JSON objects, it creates child jobs. It also creates a parent job that does not contain any data.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • The Response pattern to match property contains the expression that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to check for matching elements or objects.

  • SOAP web service input devices support XML. REST web service input devices support both XML and JSON.

  • The Create child jobs property is not used when the Create job from response property is set to Always.