SOAP request

Specifies the name of the SOAP request object that the input device uses to retrieve input using a SOAP web service.


A list of SOAP request objects.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • To use a SOAP web service, you must select a SOAP request object. The SOAP request object lets RICOH ProcessDirector determine the SOAP version and other information required to communicate with the web service. When you import a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file, RICOH ProcessDirector creates SOAP request objects from the SOAP operations in the file.

  • To add SOAP request objects to the list, import a WSDL file. RICOH ProcessDirector prepends the value of the WSDL prefix property and a hyphen to the name of each SOAP operation.

    For example, a WSDL file contains 2 operations: getOrdersByDate1 and getOrdersByDate2. You type WebOrders for the WSDL prefix. RICOH ProcessDirector creates 2 SOAP request objects: WebOrders-getOrdersByDate1 and WebOrders-getOrdersByDate2.

    For more information, see the topic about importing WSDL files in the RICOH ProcessDirector information center.

  • You cannot edit or delete a SOAP request object, and the properties of the objects do not appear in the user interface.