Lockout duration

Specifies the amount of time that RICOH ProcessDirector locks a user out of the system after the user exceeds the Account login threshold. The unit of time for the value can be minutes, hours, or days. Use the toggle control to the right of the property name to select the unit of time for the value.


Data type
Integer from 1 minute through 3650 days, or 10 years
5 minutes

Database name

Usage notes:

  • To restore access to the system after a user has been locked out, do one of these:
    • Reset the user password.
    • Delete and re-create the user account.
  • The value of the Account login threshold property specifies the number of login attempts permitted before the user is locked out.
  • If this value is decreased, any users that have been locked out longer than the new value can log in.
  • If the value is increased, users that are currently locked out must wait until the new lockout duration ends.