Front of form

Specifies the electronic form that the CombinePDFWithForm or CombineAFPWithForm step uses for the front of the media.

To select the file containing the electronic form, click the Folder button, go to a PDF file on your computer, and click Open. Specify a page in the file by typing its number in the Use page field. Then click Create form.

After RICOH ProcessDirector creates the form, you can view it. Click name of the form in the field next to the Folder button.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • Steps based on the CombinePDFWithForm or CombineAFPWithForm step template use this value to create the front side of an electronic form.

  • The data files for the jobs processed by the CombinePDFWithForm step must be PDF files.

  • The data files for the jobs processed by the CombineAFPWithForm step must be AFP files.

  • We recommend that you specify a PDF page that has the same page size as the dimensions of the media.