Batching method

Specifies how the input device groups multiple input files or sets of files and submits them as a single job or parent and child jobs. You can change this value for hot folder or SFTP input devices, but not for Download input devices, LPD input devices, or REST or SOAP web services input devices. Download input devices use the JCL batching method and LPD input devices use the List batching method.

A set is a group of files that must be processed together, such as a data file, a job ticket, and an overrides file. To create sets, you specify values for the pattern matching properties as needed. Pattern matching properties include: Data patterns, JDF patterns, Overrides patterns, and File Patterns. Only the Number of sets, Pages in sets, and Sets by time batching methods can process sets of files.


The input device does not group input files together. For hot folder or SFTP input devices, the default is None.

The input device groups input files when a user selects two or more files and clicks Make batch from the input files page for the input device. The input device does not automatically submit any input files for processing when this batching method is in effect.

The input device automatically groups certain sets of input files using the values of their z/OS OUTGRP JCL parameters. The input device groups input files with OUTGRP values of FIRST, NEXT, and LAST. It does not group input files with OUTGRP values of ONLY or input files that do not use OUTGRP parameters.

JCL is valid only for Download input devices. Download input devices are only available if you install the AFP Support feature.

The input device automatically groups all input files that are specified as Job Definition Format (JDF) type. The input device reads the job ticket input files and locates PDF file names in the input files table or a local directory. The JDF patterns property controls how the input device identifies JDF files.

You must specify values for both the Workflow property and the Child workflow property. The input device treats the data files that the JDF file specifies as child input files. Set the Workflow property for the input device to ParentNoPrint and the Child workflow property to a workflow that is appropriate for the types of files that the JDF file specifies. If more than one file is referenced in the JDF job ticket, the files are assigned child job IDs in the order they appear in the JDF file.


The input device automatically groups all input files that are specified in a separate list file. The List patterns property controls how list files are identified.

The list file contains input file names without any path information, and each input-file entry must be on a separate line. To submit a batch of files, copy the list file and all of the input files it identifies to the directory that the Folder location property for the input device specifies.

If only one data file is provided, one job is created. The job contains the list file, aiwlist file, data file, and any other (non-data) files. The job is treated as a child job, even though the job ID is not assigned a child job ID (it displays as, for example, 1000001 rather than 1000001.1).

If more than one file is provided and the Create .zip file property is set to No, a parent job is created for the list and aiwlist files, and a child job is created for each data file (and its associated other files). For example, parent job 1000002 contains the list and aiwlist files, and child jobs 1000002.1 and 1000002.2 contain a data file (and their associated non-data files). The files are assigned child job IDs in the order they appear in the list file.

List is the only valid value for LPD input devices; it can also be used for hot folder or SFTP input devices.


The hot folder or SFTP input device compares file information for all input files received by the input device, using the Data patterns and the File patterns properties. Files that match the specified patterns are used to create a single job using the data file. Only one matching file can contain print data.

If you use the Pattern batching method, you can define more precise matching criteria by using both the Data patterns field and the File pattern field. For example, if you use the Data patterns value (.*).data$, any file name ending with .data matches. If you use the File pattern value \1.oth$, then and Job1.oth are considered a match and are included in the job, but Job2.oth does not match. For more information about pattern-matching syntax, see the information center.


The hot folder or SFTP input device waits until the number of files in the input device matches the value of the Number of files to batch property. When the values match, the input device submits a group of files.

Number of sets

The hot folder or SFTP input device waits until the number of sets of files in the input device matches the value of the Number of files to batch property. When the values match, the input device submits the sets.


The hot folder or SFTP input device waits until the total number of pages in the PDF files that are received by the input device matches or exceeds the value of the Number of pages to batch property, then submits a group of files.

The Pages batching method can be used only for PDF files.

Pages in sets

The hot folder or SFTP input device waits until the total number of PDF pages in complete sets that are received by the input device matches or exceeds the value of the Number of pages to batch property, then submits the sets as a group.

The Pages in sets batching method can be used only for PDF files.

Sets by time

The hot folder or SFTP input device submits one or more complete sets of input files at a specific time or time interval determined by the values set for the Batching interval and Batching date or Frequency properties. The hot folder or SFTP input device submits the sets as a group with one set in each child job.


The hot folder or SFTP input device submits a group of all the files that match the value set for the Data patterns property and that are received during a time period determined by the values set for the Batching start date, Batching start time, Batching interval, and Batching date or Frequency properties in the Batching tab.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • If you choose Number of sets, Pages in sets, or Sets by time, the Create .zip file property is not available. When a set of files is submitted, they always form a single job.
  • If the Create .zip file property is available and set to Yes, a single job containing all of the files is submitted in ZIP file format. Set the Workflow property for the input device to a workflow that is appropriate for the data files.
  • If you use the Batch, JDF, or Pattern batching method, or if the Create .zip file property is set to No, each data file in a batch is submitted as a child job. As a result, you must set the Workflow property for the input device to ParentNoPrint and the Child workflow property to a workflow that is appropriate for the data files.
  • Child jobs are not kept together through processing unless the WaitForGroup step is included in the workflow.
  • If you select Trigger for the Completion method property, the Batching method value is not used.