Step restart type

Specifies whether RICOH ProcessDirector restarts job processing at this step when you use different types of actions.


RICOH ProcessDirector cannot restart job processing at this step.
General (default)
RICOH ProcessDirector restarts job processing at this step when you use the Process Again action and select the step.
RICOH ProcessDirector restarts job processing at this step when you use the Print Again action. If more than one step in the workflow has this restart type, RICOH ProcessDirector starts the reprint at the first step with a Print restart type.
RICOH ProcessDirector restarts job processing at this step when you use the Process Again action and select a different workflow. If more than one step in that workflow has this restart type, RICOH ProcessDirector starts processing at the first step with a Receive restart type.
RICOH ProcessDirector restarts job processing at this step when you delete one or more jobs. If more than one step in the workflow has this restart type, RICOH ProcessDirector starts processing at the first step with a Delete restart type. When you give a step this restart type, make sure that a RemoveJobs step is in the path following the step. Otherwise, jobs never leave the system.
RICOH ProcessDirector restarts job processing at this step when you use the Make jobs match selected printer action and the Output format values for the job and printer do not match. Only one step in the workflow can have a restart type of Reformat.
Change location
If you have the Change Job Location extended feature, RICOH ProcessDirector restarts job processing at this step when you use the Change Location action. If more than one step in the workflow has this restart type, RICOH ProcessDirector starts processing at the first step with a Change location restart type.

Database name