Font resolution

Specifies the resolution of the AFP fonts that the printer uses.


240 dots per inch
The printer uses 240-pel, bitmapped fonts.
300 dots per inch
The printer uses 300-pel, bitmapped fonts.
Outline (default)
The printer uses outline fonts.

RICOH ProcessDirector provides sets of fonts in the /usr/lpp/psf/reslib directory. Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) printers also include resident fonts.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • Some printers might not support the use of 240-pel fonts. Review the documentation for your printer to determine the fonts that it supports, and any printer configuration requirements.
  • You cannot change the value of this property if there is a job assigned to the printer.
  • RICOH ProcessDirector automatically shuts down and restarts the printer when you change the font resolution.