Path to override properties file

Specifies the path and name of a text file that contains a list of job properties whose values you want to preserve for use when the job or its documents are resubmitted to a workflow. You can also select a step resource object as the value for the property instead of providing a path and filename. Using a step resource lets you change the specific file without editing all of the workflows that contain the step that uses the file.

If you specify an override properties file, the system creates an arch.overrides.txt file for each job saved in the repository. The arch.overrides.txt file contains values for each job property in the override properties file. If you resubmit the job or its documents, the arch.overrides.txt file is resubmitted with them.



Database name

Usage notes:

  • To define the contents of the text file, place the database name of each job property on a separate line. For example, this file specifies three job properties (Customer name, Media required, and Duplex):
  • You can add comments to the file. Place each comment on a separate line that starts with a pound sign (#). For example:
    Job.CustomerName# This is a comment.
  • Properties specified in the override properties file and properties set as values of the Job properties to store property perform different functions. To use the value of a property to retrieve a job from the repository or to display the value of that property when you click Show Details on the Results table, set that property as a value of the Job properties to store property. To submit the value of a property when you resubmit a job or its documents to a workflow, specify that property in an override properties file. To use a property for all of those functions, specify the property in both places.
  • You can use symbol formulas to specify a path and file name. For example, you want to use the same overrides for all jobs run through one workflow. To give the override properties file the same name as the workflow, specify this value:
    • /aiw/aiw1/control_files/${Job.JobType}.txt (Linux)
    • C:\aiw\aiw1\control_files\${Job.JobType}.txt (Windows)

    For more information about symbol notation and how to use it, refer to the help system.

  • If you want to store the values of the same job properties with jobs stored in different repositories, you can specify the same override properties file for multiple StoreInRepository steps. If you want to store the values of different job properties with jobs stored in different repositories, specify different names for the override properties files.
  • The first step in the workflow that the job or document is resubmitted to must be SetJobPropsFromTextFile. If another step is first, RICOH ProcessDirector does not set the properties captured in the override properties file.
  • Path to override properties file is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.