Inherit deadline from parent job

Specifies whether a child job inherits a deadline from its parent job.


No (default)
The child job does not inherit a deadline from its parent job, but calculates a deadline from the properties set on this SetDeadline step.
The child job inherits the deadline from its parent job if the parent job has already set a deadline and the current Deadline step is valid. If the child job type does not contain the same Deadline step that the parent job contained, the deadline cannot be inherited.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • If the Inherit deadline from parent job value is Yes, the Override existing deadline value is Yes, and the parent job has a deadline, the job inherits the deadline from the parent job.
  • If the Inherit deadline from parent job value is Yes, the Override existing deadline value is No, and the parent job has a deadline, the deadline is not inherited from the parent job.
  • Inherit deadline from parent job is a positional job property. For information about using positional job properties, refer to the Information Center.