Progress within the current phase

Shows the progress status for the job within the phase that the Current phase property identifies. RICOH ProcessDirector updates the value of this property whenever the job progress within the phase changes. You cannot change the value of this property.


RICOH ProcessDirector is performing one or more pre-processing tasks for the job.
RICOH ProcessDirector is actively processing the job.
The job requires an action on the part of the operator. The action is not required because of an error condition. For example, an operator might have done a Stop action on the job and a Continue action is needed to resume processing. Another example would be if the workflow for the job includes a manual step and the job is waiting for the operator to start or complete the manual step.
RICOH ProcessDirector has detected an error with the job that requires operator intervention. For example, the printer jammed or another job-processing step encountered an error.
Database name