Columns to keep

Specifies a comma-separated list of the names of column headings in the external results file. A step based on the MapExternalResultsFiletoDocProps step template keeps these columns when it creates the modified results file. All other columns are not included in the modified results file.


Up to 1028 characters (bytes)

Database name

Usage notes:

  • If the external results file contains column headings, you can specify which columns to keep. Set the value of the External results contain column headings property to Yes.
  • If the external results file contains column headings, you do not have to enter the values in the Columns to keep property in the same order as the properties occur in the external results file returned by the postal software.
  • If any column heading that you specify does not exist in the external results file, the step goes into error.
  • The order of the column headings in the Columns to keep property must match the order of the document properties in the Selected document properties list, and the number of document properties in each list must match. If the order of the document properties do not match, you get unexpected results during job processing. If the number of the document properties do not match, the job goes into error state.