Printer command

Specifies the command or script that is used to submit jobs to the Passthrough printer. The command can contain symbol notation.

On Windows, you can use the ${getCurrentFile(pdf)} symbol to pass the name of the print file in the spool directory for the job:

lpr -S printer_IPaddr -P PASS ${getCurrentFile(pdf)}

On Linux, you can also use the ${Job.Copies} symbol to pass the Job copies requested property on the lpr command line with its -# option:

lpr -P printerName -#${Job.Copies} ${getCurrentFile(pdf)} or lprafp -pprinterName -#${Job.Copies} ${getCurrentFile(pdf)}

Database name

Usage notes:

  • This property applies only to Passthrough printers. If you are sending banner pages to a Passthrough printer, the printer device must support the PDF data stream.
  • On Windows, the -P option specifies the name of the print queue.
  • On Linux, you must pass all job properties that you want the Passthrough printer to use. You can pass them in the printer command itself (as in these examples), in a script, or in the control file template. Printers support different lpr options, so the printer might not honor all options requested.
  • On Linux, different printer commands use different options. For example, the printer option of the Linux lpr command is upper case -Pwith an optional space between the option and the printer name; while the printer option of the lprafp command is lower case -pwithout a space between the option and the printer name.