Maximum documents to reprint (%)

Specifies the maximum percentage of documents in a job that the system can schedule for reprint during automatic reconciliation. If the percentage exceeds the maximum, the system places the job in the Waiting to reconcile state, requiring manual reconciliation.

For example, you specify 25. The system places the job in the Waiting to reconcile state when the barcode reader or inserter controller reports that more than 25 percent of the documents should be reprinted.


Data type
Integer from 0 to 100

If the value is 0, the job moves to the Waiting to reconcile state if any documents should be reprinted. If the value is 100, or if the field is left blank, the system does not place the job in the Waiting to reconcile state even if all documents must be reprinted. Instead, the system reprints the whole job.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • For inserters, if Reprint Attention documents is Yes, documents with a status of Attention are included when calculating the percentage of documents that must be reprinted.
  • If Automatic reconciliation is No, this property is ignored.