Property mapping
Lets you map headings in a preferences file to document properties in the system.
The document properties that are mapped here are added to the Document property to set list on the Usage tab.
- Heading
- Specifies the headings in the preferences file that you want to use.
- Document property
- Specifies the document properties that correspond with the headings in the preferences file.
- Database name
- CsvTabMapping.HeadingMap
Usage notes:
- This property is only available in the legacy user interface.
- You must map at least two headings to document properties, one for a Document identifier and one for a Document property to set.
- To add more mappings, click + to the right of any mapping. To delete a mapping, click – to the right of the mapping you want to delete.
- The Summary field shows the result of your selection in a database query format.
- The order of the mappings does not have to match the order of the headings in the preferences file.
- You do not have to map all of the headings to document properties.
- If you delete a mapping, the document property is removed from the Document identifier or Document property to set list on the Usage tab.