
Lets you define one or more conditions for a notification object. Conditions limit the notifications that are generated for the specified event. Each condition consists of an object property, a comparison, and a value.

For email, SOAP, and REST Web service notifications, the type of object whose properties are shown is set in the Event type property on the Event tab of the Notification property notebook.

If no conditions are specified for email notifications, the system sends notifications whenever the event occurs until the Notification limit, if any, is reached. If one or more conditions are specified, those conditions must be satisfied before any notifications are sent.

The rules for combining conditions are determined by the Notify when property.

Specifies the property to use for the condition. The list of available values varies based on the type of notification and events monitored.
Specifies how RICOH ProcessDirector compares the property value to the contents of the Value field to decide whether the condition is met. Select one of these:
after (after)
An object meets the condition if the timestamp value of the selected property is after the specified date and time.
before (before)
An object meets the condition if the timestamp value of the selected property is before the specified date and time.
contains (contains)
A job meets the condition based on a partial value of the property. For example, one customer submits jobs with CUST1 in the Job name such as A1CUST1BB, CUST1CC, and DDCUST1 and enters a Value of CUST1 in the condition. All three jobs meet the condition. The comparison is case-sensitive.
greater than (>)
An object meets the condition if its property value is greater than the number in the Value field.
greater than or equal to (>=)
An object meets the condition if its property value is the same as or greater than the number in the Value field.
has a value (set)
An object meets the condition if the selected property has a value.
has no value (notset)
An object meets the condition if the selected property does not have a value.
is (=)
An object meets the condition if the value of the selected property exactly matches the text in the Value field. The comparison is case-sensitive.
is like (like)
An object meets the condition if its property value matches the value in the Value field when that value includes wildcard characters. For example, the value in the Value field for the Job name property is CUST1*. All jobs from one customer have the prefix CUST1 added to the job name. A job meets the condition when its job name begins with the text CUST1. The comparison is case-sensitive.
is not (!=)
An object meets the condition if it has a property value and it is not the value in the Value field. The comparison is case-sensitive.
is not like (unlike)
An object meets the condition if its property value does not match the value in the Value field when that value includes wildcard characters. For example, the value in the Value field for the Job name property is *.pdf. A job meets the condition when the extension for the job name is not .pdf. The comparison is case-sensitive.
less than (<)
An object meets the condition if its property value is less than the number in the Value field or if the property has no value.
less than or equal to (<=)
An object meets the condition if its property value is the same as or less than the number in the Value field or if the property has no value.
Specifies the value that RICOH ProcessDirector uses to decide whether the condition is met to generate the notification.

Depending on the property, you can either choose from a list or enter an alphanumeric value.

Database name

Usage notes:

  • When you use the is like, is not like, or contains comparison, you can use wildcard characters in the Value field. Use * or % to represent zero or more characters; use _ or ? to represent exactly one character. If you use a is like comparison and type only a wildcard character in the Value field, all the jobs in which that property value is set meet the condition, but not the jobs in which that value is blank.
  • You can set certain properties to values that include a symbol formula. For example, you give preprinted media for a customer the same name as the customer. You can define a condition with a symbol formula to make sure that the media matches the customer name: Media = ${Job.CustomerName}.
  • To define an additional condition, click + to the right of any condition. To delete a condition, click - to the right of the condition you want to delete.
  • If the Value is a date or timestamp, you must only use before, after, is, or is not comparison.